Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reflecting on change . . .

All transformations are a change in consciousness.
When making a change in your life:

1. Just Begin
Anywhere is a good place to begin on the path of change. Take baby steps. With change, each day is a new beginning.

2. Give It Time
When you see the new change as a way of life, you don’t have to worry about making time to practice it.

3. Be Natural
Making a conscious change requires energy, earnestness, and sincerity, but these activities do not have to be depleting, ponderous, or strained.

4. Be Flexible
The path of change is filled with many twists and turns. It calls for a certain flexibility of action. Try not to be rigid or unbending for deters you from enjoying the surprises along the way.

5. Let Go
You are not in charge of this path. The harder you try to make things happen or perfect the process of changing, the quicker you’ll find yourself caught in the trap of disappointment. Surrender yourself to practice, and don’t worry about where it is taking you. Go with the flow.

6. Don’t Be Concerned About Externals
Make sure that your being on the path is not dependent upon external conditions. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the right or wrong place or whether you’re depressed or optimistic. You can change any time and any place no matter what the conditions.

7. Don’t Have Expectations
Taking up the path of change is about dealing with whatever shows up in the present moment.

8. Remember Nothing Is Exactly the Same
Subtle changes are always taking place, revealing new variations on old themes. With practice you become attuned to them.

9. Welcome Bad Days
Don’t beat up on yourself for bad days when nothing seems to go right. In the big picture, even bad days have a purpose. They test our stamina and fuel our resolve.

10. Deal with Your Demons
Sometimes diligence in your practices is taken as a signal that it’s time for your demons to show up to see if they can drag you down or even stop you in your tracks. Accept them as fellow travellers along the path, know in your heart that they can also be your teachers.

11. Work with Who You Are
Change yields a rigorous and rewarding form of self-knowledge. We can’t escape who we are; we carry it around with us all the time. The work with it all, our wholeness.

12. Enjoy the Company
The path of conscious change constantly reminds us how much we need the support and companionship of others. Everyone we meet encourages us to grow by inspiring us or challenging us. Love and appreciate them all.

Adapted from writings by: Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting our thoughts on practice and change. These appear in our book Spiritual Rx and are integral to the philosophy behind our website www.SpiritualityandPractice.com

    Mary Ann Brussat
