Monday, October 18, 2010

Come with me to Morocco

 Focusing to Help Free the Artist in You 

Come with me to Marrakesh where I am teaching at Peacock Pavillions. Read about this amazing place owned by Maryam and her family from My Marrakesh. It will be a week of learning Focusing, doing Art Therapy, shopping, eating, henna painting, an outdoor movie on the lawn, and much more.

Come to Peacock Pavilions in Marrakesh in Morocco to learn Focusing and Expressive Art Therapy to help free the artist in you!

 Do you want to learn how to:

Be a better listener to yourself?
Make clear choices?
Be calm and compassionate to yourself?
Support yourself through change?
Feel relaxed and less stressful? 

Focusing helps you learn how to be Present and listen to yourself so that you can move ahead in your life in an empowered and safe way.  Focused Centered Art Therapy brings you closer to wholeness and allows you to access your inner wisdom. This helps you move in the direction of your potential. It can help you move beyond blocks and get in touch with your goals. Focusing is a gentle and powerful way to develop a deep interpersonal healing relationship with yourself. Art therapy helps you express your emotions, thoughts and reach a deeper level of yourself awareness.
You will learn the skills of and receive credit for Level One and Level Two Focusing by taking this workshop. You will also learn how to use art to become more present and aware. Art therapy is using art to explore and express yourself. It helps make the unconscious conscious. You will learn many fun and creative exercises to work through issues and blocks with art making. Learn more about this workshop by:

All photos by Katie O'Shaughnessy


  1. WOW! How COOL is that! Enjoy yourself. Love the Zen photo too.

  2. This workshop sounds fascinating AND in Morocco! I will have to find out more.

  3. this sounds like an absolutely amazing workshop karen - and in morocco!!!

  4. i love this interiors!
    oh! i would love to find some free time and start to paint again...

    thank you for passing by and leaving your sweet comment! i'm happy you liked my blog! remember you can keep in touch with my blog via blogger, bloglovin or facebook!

    xoxo from rome

  5. I want to move into that space. The harmony is uncanny. Feel free to visit me when you have time.


  6. would love to come ..wish i could afford it!!!

  7. Really great living style! Keep it up and thanks for sharing!
    All the best
    Midnight Couture Girls
