Monday, November 22, 2010

Choosing Your Battles

Sometimes it just isn't worth it to confront. Sometimes it is.
clients image of having an argument
Here are five questions you may ask yourself when determining which principles to defend and when to go along with others.
1) Is this going to cause irrevocable physical or psychological damage?
2) Is this primarily a power struggle with no good reason?
3) If I agree to this request, how will I feel about it tomorrow?
4) Do I have a good reason to deny this request?
5) Am I or my (child, friend, partner, etc.) too tired at this moment to engage with this?


  1. These are great questions Karen - thank you for posting them! I may have to make a "cheat-sheet" of them for handy reference =-)

  2. Good, glad you liked them. Warmly, Karen

  3. Or like Robert De Niro says in Ronin:

    "If there is doubt, there is no doubt"

    ..about the right course of action.

    i try to live by that.. try being the operative word.

  4. Playing blog catchup and love the images in the previous posts. Very fitting artwork for the sentiment and great questions. Yep, should have those posted where I can see them sometimes!
