Monday, November 1, 2010

My New Art Work: Archetypal Theatres

I have been working on creating Archetypal Theatres. These theatres contain the symbols, objects, words and feelings of each archetype. They are about 2 feet by 3 feet.

Fool Archetype
 What I wanted to capture here was the adventurous, spontaneous and playful nature of the Fool. I created a gypsy caravan for the Fool's home.

Magician Archetype

 In this art piece I wanted to show the magical, passionate, and creative fire nature of the Magician. I used an old carrying case that I imagined a Magician could carry to stage shows.

High Priestess
In this piece I wanted to portray the layers of mystery, poetic intrigue and emotional depth of the High Priestess. What do you think? Share your thoughts.


  1. Holy baloney! These are awesome! I wish I could click on them to zoom in because I can see that there's meaning in each of the details. And what details! And richness of color. Each one is marvelous. Now I have to go back and look at each carefully. Wow!

  2. incredible!
    what a teaching tool.
    i can see myself back in class, getting lost in each theatre as I learned it!

  3. Another fabulous directive, plus your art is astounding, I am so drawn to archetypal imagery, and this is a wonderful way to develop it three dimensionally ....again, Thank you...

  4. Those are great, I love your ideas and art.
    Can't wait to see what else you do!
