Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Therapeutic Thursday: Talking about Self-Care

Children making puppets in Art Therapy of themselves as grownups.

What is missing in your life? What could you use more or less of?

balance      self-esteem  tenderness   composure   love          recognition
generosity   centering    activity      confidence    caring       awareness
health       motivation     sharing      solitude     strength    knowledge
skill          music         devotion     energy       laughter        opportunities
laughter    fitness      challenges    support     serenity        contemplation
relaxation   variety      trust        comfort     insight       self-expression
structure   joy           harmony    nutrition    control        companionship
romance     touching     sex          intimacy     sleep        accomplishments
money       patience     integration beauty      surrender   commitment
flexibility   education   training     sensitivity   communion  coordination
exercise     experience receptivity faith         forgiveness   responsibility
freedom     purpose     self-control compassion acceptance  self-awareness
peace        love          passion      hope         creativity   contribution 
play         respect      loyalty      trust           belonging   validation
guidance    fun          safety       security     progress    being listened to
connection touch        attention    calmness    warmth     non-judgment

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, could have a little sampling of EVERYTHING??!? ;)

    BTW - would you consider offering your "Living By your Own Design - Playing Dress Up" as an e-course for those of us outside of Canada? It sounds like such a great workshop =-)
