Monday, December 20, 2010

What does it mean to have a Good Relationship with Yourself?

Having a good relationship with yourself means:
- liking to spend time with yourself
- respecting yourself and the choices that you make
- honoring and listening to your emotions and knowing how to release them 
- being a good guardian to yourself
- knowing how to calm yourself
- being present with yourself
- having an inner dialogue that supports you
- holding an open, non-judging attention to your inner sensing 
- knowing how to move past old emotional pain and practicing release
- finding ways to access one's larger potential
- feeling safe and secure in one's own being
- having patience with yourself and your growth
- knowing and living your passions


  1. Wow! After reading this post, it seems as if I have a pretty darned good relationship with myself! That makes me happy. (patting self on back with love)

  2. Great list for developing an excellent relationship with yourself!

    I guess I must be doing okay since I can see some items on the list I'm in alignment with =-)...but I still need to work on the releasing, the judgment and patience with growth parts =-(

    I'm a Work in Progress!! ;)

  3. What wonderful advice. I often feel like I should print up your posts and post them on my bulletin board where I can see them quite often. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Johnina :^A

  4. i really ddnt know what to have relationship with urself mean. But i gues now i have clear picture after reading the seems to me like treating yourself the way a friend or parent will do, etc..the things that youll normally do to other people or people do to you or things that are the foundation of a relationship, you apply them to urself.
