Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why go to Conferences?

I just attended the Canadian Art Therapy Conference in Naigara Falls. It was a wonderful and well organized weekend filled with rich insights and offerings. It reminded me of why it is so important to attend conferences. First of all we work alone. We need to talk to other Art Therapists about what we do and why. Secondly we need new ideas and inspiration. I read many, many books and articles but being in the same room with someone and listening and asking questions about their research and passion is a much better way for me to learn. Thirdly, we need to make art with other Art Therapists, network, make new connections and have fun.

Cathy Malchiodi was the keynote speaker and she was brilliant. Being an Art Therapist, I am visual and I loved her visuals, especially because she included some of the artwork (prayer flags) that clients of mine had made in her workshop presentation on Gratitude. We made our own Gratitude scrolls in the workshop which was very satisfying. 
My Gratitude Scroll

Studies show that keeping gratitude journals or doing gratitude meditations or prayers helps reduce stress, increase happiness and motivation. Check here and here .

If you are an Art Therapist I hope to see you at a conference some day! 


  1. It sounds like a wonderfully enriching experience Karen! For those who do work solo and often, being in groups is a great thing - being around the energy of others as passionate about the same subject really fuels and energizes us =-)

    Thanks also for the reminder on how Gratitude is so beneficial for us!

  2. sarghhh! It WAS you!

    I had no way of knowing it was you that Tiny Blessed is coming to or not. I had a feeling but didnt want to stickmy foot in it if it wasnt.

    Thank you thank you thankyou for validating my work like that - it's totally made my day.

  3. I love that little creature. I can't wait to receive it in the mail. Hugs Karen
