Images of creating hand casts in the Artful Archetypal Journey Group.
In my Archetypal Group we are exploring the Empress archetype. Empress energy is usually held in the womb, breasts and reproductive organs. When it is felt as a positive sense, then you can easily access your body sensations and intuit what you need in your life. When you are experiencing the Empress as a shadow energy, then you can feel negative about your body, experience a lack of psychical energy or have health issues. This can be the result of not listening to your body wisdom, not creating and playing, and not giving and receiving support. The lesson she is teaching you, is to develop your ability to express.
This archetype speaks to you when you are busy doing. She is present when you feel sensual and attractive, wanting to attract others, wanting to procreate, wanting to nurture self and others and when you work with your hands. She shows up at celebrations, weddings, parties and community events. You experience her wisdom when working in the garden, walking in the woods and being in nature. You hear and see her in animals. You experience her in the seasons and learn from her how to find a creative rhythm in your life. When you are pregnant you are very close to this archetype. You also feel her presence at the time of death. This archetype is also reflected in your relationship with your mother, how you see yourselves as mother and in your relationship with your daughters.
How do you experience this archetype in your life?
I'll tell you what love of this life is.
It's looking up
through trees newly bare of leaves
and seeing there the oldest road,
a broken line of white stars
stretching out across the sky.
It's thinking,
this could be enough.
~ Susan Elbe, from "Light Made From Nothing" ~
Hello from Toronto,
Love this project!
~ Gabriela ~
Hello Gabriela. How is the weather in Toronto? We are still in the plus temps. Thanks for reading and commenting. Warmly, Karen
Hello Gabriela. How is the weather in Toronto? We are still in the plus temps. Thanks for reading and commenting. Warmly, Karen
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